Hobby's : swimming, goofing off, pulling pranks , hanging wiff friends, partying
favorite things: yellow and neon green, friends and family , luaghing
How yoou two met.<33"It's a nice summer day" says Mackenzie (your best friend). "yeaah Ik" you reply. "omg we should go swimming" Mackenzie squeals exitedly. "that sounds fun" you squeal back. So, you and Mackenzie out your swim-suits on and go to the pool. You and Mackenzie get to the pool and decide to text some friends and invite them to the pool. Everyone you invited shows up and starts jumping off the diving board and swimming (regular stuff you do at the pool) You hear Mackenzie and Ashli say that everyone should play cjhicken fight. You of course love this game and went to go play wiff them. All of a sudden a blonde boy comes up to you and your friends. "I'm new my names Brandon" he says. "oh hey" everyone says as they introduce them selves. " Can I play" he asks politely. "sure" everyone says. You end up being the one to sit on his shoulders. You tell him to walk over to Mackenzie and Andrew. You try to push Mackenzine down and she trys to push you down. You end up winning though. You smile and say " we make a good team Brandon" , He laughs and says " yeah we do" . You slide off of his shouldurs and ask "I'm thristy wanna come get some soda wiff me"
"yeah" he says as he follows you to the table where you and Mackenzie left your stuff you hand him a bottle of Dr,Pepper, grab one for yourself and pick up your phone. You notice you have a new txt msg and you read it. :( . "whats wrong _______" he asks. "my bf just broke up wiff me" you say. "oh im sorry" he says as he puts his arm around you. "dont be its not like its your fualt" you reply. "I'm not sorry for you I'm sorry for him" he says calmy. "what do you mean by that" you ask. He looks at you and says "well, I just met you and I already know your the most amazing girl ever" . You can see in his eyes that he means every word he's saying. You blush and say "awh your so sweet" . He luaghs and says "well I try". You and him talk for a little bit and get to know eachother. You and him walk to the pool together hand and hand. You jump into the pool together and he kisses you underwater. When you and him rise up to the surface he says " I know we just met but I feel like I already know you and uh I guess what I'm trying to say is will you go out wiff me"
You giggle and say "hmm let me think about it" then you stick your tongue out at him and say of course. you and him swim up to all your friends and tell them the news.He's an amazing boyfriend he loves you no matter what , he always has your back, he makes sure you dont get into too much trouble, he's funny . he's nice and he loves showing you off to his friends. He always introduces you by saying "this is her".
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