You got Gale!!! You Sly Dog!
How you met:
You: *you are taking a walk through the park* *you see a cute guy riding a skateboard, but he happens to be coming right towards you*
???: "Whoa!! Get out of the way!!!" *he yells because he is kinda not able to stop at the moment*
You: *you panic not really knowing what to do* *he ends up colliding with you and you fall over getting a bad scrape on your leg* "Agh..." *you let out while you sit on the ground*
???: "I am so sorry!! Are you okay!?" *he asks a bit worried*
You: "Um....Yeah I think....
???: *he crouches down and puts his hands on your knee*
You: *you flinch a bit*
???: "Its okay....It just needs to be washed...Sadly I cant really do anything for you right now...." *he says it with an awkward smile*
You: *you smile a bit and he helps you out*
???: "Hey um.....You are really cute aren't you...Whats your name?" *he asks you curiously*
You: "(your name)" *you smile*
???: "Cute name for a cute girl. My name is Gale. I think I've seen you in school." *he says this kinda like a question*
You: "Oh! Yes you have!" *you say excitedly* "We are in math class together."
Gale: "Oh, yeah! I knew I remembered those long legs and that messy hair from somewhere!" *he says with a flirtatious smile*
You: *blush while looking down*
Gale: How about a date next week! Friday!
You: *you nod excitedly* "Yeah, sure!"
Gale: Awesome!! I'll pick you up at 8!" *he says while scribbling on a small piece of paper he got from his messenger bag that was swung over his shoulder* *he handed it to you and then winked while getting back on his board and riding away*
You: *you opened the piece of paper and its his number* *for the next week in school you see him and you both talk more up to the date* *on the day of the date he picks you up* *you both go for a moonlit walk in the park* *you both find a huge tree and climb onto one of the branches together* "So, Gale. Whats your life like?"
Gale: "Nothing really special. My parents are divorced so I live with my mom at the moment." *he says it casually*
You: *you look down sadly* "Sorry..."
Gale: "Nah, dont be...Plus I dont even think about it....Especially right now..." *he says this with a smile while looking at you*
You: *you look down and smile a bit* *you swing your legs while they hang off the branch*
Gale: *he has one leg up on the branch and the other one is hanging off of it* *he looks at the moon intently* "Wow...Its a really beautiful night, isn't it?" *he says while looking up at the sky*
You: "It is...." *you say this a bit dreamily while you look at the sky*
Gale: *he looks over at you and smiles again* *his gaze then goes towards your lips* *he then leans in and presses his lips against yours but he misses and accidentally hits your bottom lip* *he then pulls away and shakes his head* "Ahh....Sorry....That doesn't usually happen." *he then fixes his aim and gets it this time* *you both date from then on*
You are both together. You got married when you both turned twenty three. He loves you with all his heart and would never do anything to hurt you. You have a healthy baby boy. Then you all live happily ever after! Soo Sweet!
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